As I stated in my earlier posts, each and everything in the Universe, connected with the Spiritual power i.e God particles .Such power some times,elsewhere it's reflects either through living beings or non-living beings .If it reflects through human beings, such person becomes spiritual sages,for example:Sri Veera Brahmendra Swamy, Sri Rama Krishna Para ma Hamsa,Sai Baba Etc.,. Same power, if reflects through Non-Living beings such as stones Etc., it's located places would become more powerful,and would attract the human beings &other living beings.Such places might be turned into great pilgrimage centres.
In the ancient days,persons by their self efforts i.e Yoga, long time concentrated meditation, got awakened their inner spiritual power,and achieved Intuition powers This is possible to the human beings only because of their knowledge &meditation. So as a god gift by industry i.e meditation one can achieve such power for which other beings has no such chance unless outer spiritual power reflects through its by chance.