Garloddu Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy Temple As usual this year also we had conducted Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy Jayanti Ustvam (Birth Day celebrations ) at our Temple i.e Garloddu Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy Temple on 20 /05/2016. According to puranas, Demon Hiranyakashyapu had obtained a boon from God Brahma that he could not be killed by man or beast, by day or by night , from inside or out side and also not by any weapon. After receiving such a mighty boon demon Hirnyakashyapu conquered 14 Lokas includes heaven and earth. He declared himself as God and asked people, devatas to worship him instead of Lord Vishnu. ...
Surya Savarnika Manavu Ashramam is a registered Hindu Religious society vide in No. 8713/1999.It's aims and objects are diffusion of useful knowledge in the fields of Legal,Medical,Scientific,Agricultural and philosophical for the promotion of reformative prosperous views among Hindu sects and also establish Orphanage homes,Educational Institutions.It is located at Garlavoddu @Garloddu village,Enkuru Mandal,Khammam District,Telangana State,India.