Mounesh Achar, Gadilinga Tamarapanti, Manavu, Nagaraja charyulu at Naga Puja . It was very pleasure to us when Devotees Sri Gadilinga Tamarapanti and Mounesh Achar came from Bellary of Karnataka State and visited our Temple as well as Ashramam. Last Monday i.e on 28.8.2016 at about 9.00 A.M both devotees came to our Ashramam. After having bath me along with them went for Lord Lakshmi Narasimha Darsan. They were felt very much spiritual pleasure in Deity i.e Lord Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy Presence. We spend more than 4 hours at Garloddu Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy Temple and after that we returned to Ashramam. ...

Surya Savarnika Manavu Ashramam is a registered Hindu Religious society vide in No. 8713/1999.It's aims and objects are diffusion of useful knowledge in the fields of Legal,Medical,Scientific,Agricultural and philosophical for the promotion of reformative prosperous views among Hindu sects and also establish Orphanage homes,Educational Institutions.It is located at Garlavoddu @Garloddu village,Enkuru Mandal,Khammam District,Telangana State,India.